Melissa K.

Greenville, SC

March 2020


Getting Started

I came to Anne at first because of my eating habits. I felt out of control around food (especially things I deemed “unhealthy” like cake) and it was frustrating because this conflicted with the message around nutrition I wanted to embody for my children and who I wanted to be. I also had this nagging feeling that I was not living up to my potential. 

The Experience

Once I signed up, I felt excited, as Anne came highly recommended to me! 

I felt slightly uncomfortable after our first session, because it brought a lot of things to light. One of which was the realization that working to “curb the cravings” would only reinforce the struggle with food; plus, that’s the tactic I’d been trying for years to no avail. Anne helped me understand that in order to cultivate a healthier relationship to food, I needed to cultivate a healthier relationship to my mind: practice approaching my thoughts and feelings in a curious way to break the association of cake = bad.  By the end of the session, I had concrete goals for where I wanted to be after 3 months, and one action step I was looking forward to working on. I could feel Anne’s support and care for my growth, even over the phone, and this was important as it modeled how I wanted to relate to myself. 

During every session, Anne created a space for me to be 100% comfortable. The combination of her calming voice, individualized guided mindfulness practices, poignant questions, and deep listening allowed me to connect the dots and learn things about myself I never would have otherwise.

The Results

Very quickly after beginning with Anne, the conversation shifted from talking about my problems with food to shifting my thoughts and building awareness around my feelings, which, paradoxically, transformed my relationship to food. Now, instead of obsessing about whether or not I’ll eat the cupcake, I feel I have more of a choice rather than being a slave to my unhelpful thoughts, and can actually enjoy what I do decide I feel like. 

I used to resent the fact that I couldn’t be present with my family. Through my work with Anne, I learned what was beneath my need to always “go go go” and achieve things. Now, I can thoroughly enjoy sitting down and having coffee with my husband in the morning rather than cleaning the bathroom, and I cherish the time watching my kids play on the trampoline without having to plan my day simultaneously. And my family is even more relaxed!

My conversations are better, my body is physically less tense, and my confidence has improved. I no longer am motivated by how others think of me and because of that, I’m done hiding behind easy tasks like cleaning to avoid being “exposed” or challenged.

I have come such a far way in such a short time, I’m honestly dumbfounded. 

To say "thank you" to Anne for providing me with a trusting, thoughtful, and empowering experience is a tremendous understatement. I am forever grateful for the time Anne shared with me and the gifts she left me with. 

To get the most out of coaching with Anne, let go of the expectations you have for coaching; what you think you will work on may be totally different! Take advantage of Anne’s complete presence and insightful questions by being vulnerable and patient.