content projects

Click any screen below to get a better look at the project, and my contribution.


Alis: a sexual wellness app for Gen-Z women


Sex Ed’s needed an update for a loooong time. Amiright? 🤓

I wore many hats on the Alis team. I started as Content Producer, in charge of writing and recording audio programs that supported sexual and mental wellness. I was also given UX and copywriting tasks, where I crafted empathic copy that drove user enrollment. My role shifted when I was given leadership over the sexy story concept. Here, I managed a team of freelance scriptwriters, voice artists, and an audio engineer to produce and test our first eight stories.

Hackathon project at Luni: develop a testable prototype


Protecting our planet is the ❄️ cool ❄️  thing to do.

As part of our company’s annual hackathon, our small team of five (consisting of myself, a front and back-end developer, user acquisition manager, and product designer) had two days to deliver a functional, testable prototype and present the idea to the larger group. I am particularly proud of the copy I wrote (like the italicized phrase above) to make the project and its message more catchy.

Mental Coach: a mental health app for corporate employees

Mental Coach

Your Mind Matters. Begin your journey with Mental Coach.

During my work on Mental Coach, a B2B and B2C offering, I filled many content roles, including UX writer and copywriter, where I used data to inform content decisions that would increase user conversion.